Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Kill the session when the browser is closed

In one of my projects, I used Form Authentication to authenticate users against our Intranet domain by using LDAP.  The good things are users don't have to remember another pair of user name and password, and form authentication gives users ability to log out.  Users cannot log out if we use Windows Integrated Authentication.

By design, if users click something which they don't have permission, form authentication will automatically redirect them to the login page, and there users can log in with another account to access the desired resource.  However in some use cases, users don't like this behaviour.  They argue that it's rare that users have 2 accounts in the system.  So if they don't have permission, we don't have to redirect them to the login page.  We just need to display some messages indicating they need an admin to reassign them the proper permission.  Here I just have a workaround when users are redirected to the login page, I will display some information on the login page to explain why they are showed the login page.

Another user requirement is users want to kill the session and log out when the browser is shut down.  This requirement looks simple but It took me a long time to work on it.  Even worse is so far I haven't gotten the proper way to resolve the problem.  But I did get some workarounds in this stage.

When I searched from the internet, most people said you couldn't log out automatically. This is true in that the session is stored in the server, when users close the browser, the browser normally just closes and won't send a message to the server.  So the server never knows the client is already gone.

But when you go to some bank websites, closing browser will log you out immediately.  When you go to the same site again, the site always asks for your credentials.  I don't know how exactly they are doing.  However, I think they might use their own login mechanism.  Users are always directed to the login page when users first open the website.  When login page opens, the website always clear the old session and old credentials, so users have to enter their account again.  Since in the middle, they won't be redirected to the login page, so this clearing won't bring trouble.

I referenced this blog and this discussion and this discussion to implement my workaround.

First created the Exit.aspx page.  In the page load method, do the following:

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // clear authentication cookie
        HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, "");
        cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1);


The code kills the session and logs out the user.  I put the code in the page load event handler so this page will never be displayed.

Then in the normal pages add the following javascript code.  Since I have a master page for all my pages, I can put this code in my master page so every page will be affected.

<script type="text/javascript" >
    var closeTab = false;
    window.onbeforeunload = checkBrowserBefore;
    window.onunload = checkBrowserUnload;

    function checkBrowserBefore() {
        if (window.event.clientY <= 0) {
            closeTab = true;
            return "Do you leave the application or stay?";
            closeTab = false;
    function checkBrowserUnload() {
        if (closeTab)
            window.location.href = "../Exit.aspx";

Notice here I check 2 events onbeforeunload and onunload.  When users close the browser tab or browser, the onbeforeunload will fire.  In IE a message box will pop up asking user to confirm the closing.  If user clicks Yes, or in some new IE versions users choose Leave the page, the onunload will fire.  Otherwise the onunload will not fire.  That's the reason we have to check both events.

Again we should remember this is just a workaround and not guaranteed.  This workaound only works in IE, but not even in all IE versions.  In IE7, it works when users close either the IE tab or the entire IE browser.  But in IE9, it works when users close the IE tab, but not working when users close the  IE browser.  I haven't tested on other IE versions or other browsers.

Also it is not working when users kill the browser process in task manager or use Alt + F4 to close it.