Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Login failed for user xxx on IIS 7

Recently I migrated one of my ASP.NET MVC projects to another machine.  I updated the Entity Framework .edmx file, modified the connection string, added a specific application pool PM in IIS, and added my application to use this application pool.  After I ran it, I got the exception "Login failed for user IIS APPPOOL\PM".

After some digging, I found some useful links, such as this and this.  I list all necessary steps to run an ASP.NET MVC application in IIS 7 here in case somebody needs helps.

1. In IIS, I like to create a dedicated application pool MyPool, and specify the correct .NET framework version and Managed Pipeline Mode, mostly Integrated.

2. Check the created pool, and we can see by default the Identity using ApplicationPoolIdentity.  This is the recommended way to use in a development environment.  Some blogs suggest changing this to "Local System" or others.  If this is changed to "Local System", then step 4 is not needed.  However, this change may bring some security risks.  You can check the links I listed and see some good arguments.  I will keep ApplicationPoolIdentity for my application.

3. In IIS, under Default Web Site, create an application for the website, give a proper Alias and point to the physical path of the project.  In a development environment, I just directly point to the web site project. Then let the application use the dedicated pool.

4. In SQL Studio, add new login IIS APPPOOL\MyPool.  You may check this link to see some good discussions.  Remember to assign proper roles to this login.  We don't want to give too much privilege for this login.

5. Sometimes we may need to enable MSDTC on the machine to support distributed transaction if the application uses distributed transaction.   On Win7, go to Control Panel -> Administrative tools -> Component Services, expand Computers -> My Computer -> Distributed Transaction Coordinator -> Local DTC, and right click Properties.  Under Security tab, check Network DTC Access, Allow Remote Clients, Allow Remote Administration, Allow inbound, Allow outbound.  Choose Manual Authentication Required.  Click OK.  A reboot may be needed here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

'Sorting' is not allowed during an AddNew or EditItem transaction

Recently I resolved one WPF GUI bug related with the exception:
'Sorting' is not allowed during an AddNew or EditItem transaction.

This stackoverflow discussion has the correct answer to my issue, but it isn't marked as the answer for now.  So I would like to list it here and explain a bit, and hope this can help somebody out.


We had a datagrid in a customized control, which is used to select files.  The control
has a ViewModel class as its DataContext and can load different ViewModel classes.  The control itself will stay in memory, but the ViewModel will get disposed every time the view is closed.  

It works fine most of the time.  However, if users sort the datagrid by clicking a column header and then select a file by double click, and next time when the view is opened, the exception:
'Sorting' is not allowed during an AddNew or EditItem transaction.
will be thrown.

I checked the stack trace of the exception and saw the exception came from System.Windows.Data.ListCollectionView.SortDescriptionsChanged().  When using ILSpy to check ListCollectionView class, we can see this code in
            if (this.IsAddingNew || this.IsEditingItem)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resx.GetString("CollectionView_MemberNotAllowedDuringAddOrEdit", new object[]


ptsivakumar listed 2 solutions which both are good in my case.  I listed the solutions here in case that thread is not accessable.

1)  Add CommitNew() and CommitEdit()
This should be put in a proper place suitable for your specific case.  In my case, I put it in the view Close event handler:

            var dataView = (ListCollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(DataGrid_Files.ItemsSource);
            if (dataView.IsEditingItem)
            if (dataView.IsAddingNew)

2)  Add IsReadOnly="True" to the datagrid control, also remember to add CanUserAddRows="False"

Both solutions are working well.  The reason is when the datagrid is double clicked, it will enter the edit mode, but the sorting feature doesn't allow the datagrid in Adding New or Editing mode when a sorting event happens.  So the first solution will commit changes and bring the datagrid to a normal mode.  The second solution works because the settings will keep the datagrid always in a normal mode.  Double click is ignored.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Using Stuff and For XML Path to format the string in one column

Recently in one project I needed to create some SSRS reports to present business data. One normal requirement is to use comma to join all the text in one column to one big string. I had experience to use Stuff and For XML Path to join columns, but this time I had a chance to know what is really going on behind For XML Path.  You can check this great blog for details to explain the syntax.

In my project, the first requirement was to join 2 columns with a space, and use a comma to separate each record, but leave a space after the comma.  So my SQL was like this:

                    select ', ' + [Name] + ' ' + [Call] From DetailsView
                        for XML path('')
                ), 1, 2, '')

Later, the requirement changed.  User wanted to show each record in a separate line.  So I needed to replace the comma with a line feed.  Char(13) and Char(10) together can make a new line.  In my case, Char(10) is good enough to go.  So I changed my SQL to this:

                    select Char(10) + [Name] + ' ' + [Call] From DetailsView
                        for XML path('')
                ), 1, 1, '')

Later, user still wanted to add the comma before the line break, so I just slightly changed to this:

                    select ',' + Char(10) + [Name] + ' ' + [Call] From DetailsView
                        for XML path('')
                ), 1, 2, '')

So now in my report, I can have a formatted string in multiple line.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Memory leak caused by RegisterClassHandler of EventManager in WPF

Recently I spent some time to fix performance and memory usage issues in one big WPF project.  One critical bug reported was that every time users open an editing dialog, the memory will jump up around 5M, even users immediately close the dialog without any meaningful operations.  The memory will continue growing and never gets released.


First I spent some time to understand the related code.  The editor view has an embedded child view EditorContent, and the child view too has 2 grandchildren views embedded.  And every view has a ViewModel class paired.  My strategy was to temporarily remove some child classes and find which View or ViewModel brings the problem.

This time I used Telerik's JustTrace to do the memory profiling.  After several rounds of trying, finally I located the problem in the child view EditorContent.  After carefully comparing the 2 snapshots before and after opening the editor dialog, I noticed there were some suspected events and controls along the GC root.  The control is called BarcodeTextBox and derived from the standard TextBox.

At the same time, I searched around the Internet and tried to find some clues. These 2 articles from Jeremy Alles and Devarchive.net have good hints.  When I went back to check the BarcodeTextBox class, I did find EventManager.RegisterClassHandler() in the code and it did exactly what was mentioned in the above 2 articles.

            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler (typeof(BarcodeTextBox), PreviewKeyDownEvent,
                new KeyEventHandler(HandlePreviewKeyDown));

So the fix is easy.  Either move the above code to a static constructor, or declare the event handler HandlePreviewKeyDown() as a static handler.  After this was done, the memory was released just after the dialog was closed.


From MSDN, I haven't found that it's mandatory to use RegisterClassHandler() in a static constructor or declare the handler as static.  But the MSDN example does use in that way.  And from the name itself, the handler should be at class level, not at instance level.

Checking EventManager from ILSpy, we can see
RegisterClassHandler() calls GlobalEventManager to add the handler to a global event handler array.  By the name, we can guess the handler (therefore the owner object) will be held forever if no explicit unregister method is called.  Unfortunately, the static EventManager class even doesn't have any methods to unregister an event handler.  So I guess by design, these handlers registered in this way should be like static functions, and shouldn't exist at the instance level.

From what I investigated, event is really dangerous in C# world.  Every time we use "+=" to add an event handler or register one, we should always try to find a way to unregister.  For example, I found this one.  The scenario is very tricky and could happen very likely.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Unnecessary memory usage when work with Entity Framework

Recently I was asked to fix a performance issue in one of our WPF projects.  Here is a little background about the project.  This project is built on Prism 4.1 and Entity Framework 5.  We used database first approach, so all the entity classes were generated from existing database tables.  We also used MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) to export and import Views and ViewModels, so our first level Views and ViewModels were loaded during the application launching, which basically made those objects static.

We had a requirement that the system should at least analyze and store 120 user data files, which was the maximum data files a user could get in one month.  However when it was close to 60 files, the system threw an "out of memory" exception and stopped working.


First I suspected that we had some memory leaks, so I started using memory profilers to locate possible problems.  I tried Visual Studio build-in performance profiler.  Since I used this tool for CPU related performance diagnostics previously, and got some good outcomes, I thought this is the tool I should use.  However, this time I was unlucky.  First it was so slow.  Generating analysis reports seemed taking forever.  And then when I was waiting, I found this blog, which said that the memory profiler
doesn’t support WPF applications on Windows 7.  So basically what I was running was sample profiling, useful for CPU performance checking, but not for memory.

Later I switched to the trial version of JetBrains dotMemory, and found this is a really good tool, fast and easy to use.  From this tool, I observed that after one single file (I used the same file to test) was loaded to the system, the system memory went up by around 20M.  After loading more than 50 files, the memory went to 1.2G and in some point an exception was thrown.

Finally I found a suspected part where some unnecessary memory was allocated.  Since this part was in a static ViewModel, it was
never released.  The scenario was like the following.  The application needed to create an object A for the loaded data file.  A had a child property C.  In order to get C, we had to call some functions to Get object B, which also had a property C.  After got B, we directly did this
    A.C= B.C

This is the normal thing we do all the time.  Normally this should be fine.  Even C is created as a child of B, B still can be garbage collected and released although C is still held by A.  However, since our C and B are classes from Entity Framework, they have reference to each other, something like this:
    class B
        ICollection List_C;

    class C
        B B;

So if somehow we set C point to B, not null, B will not be GC and released.


In order to prove what I guessed, I wrote the following test program.  I allocated a big chunk of memory in the Super class, so I can see the memory jumps dramatically.

    public class RealResult        // This is class A
        public Detail Detail { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public RealResult()
            Detail = new Detail();

    public class Detail        // This is class C
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public SuperResult Super { get; set; }

    public class SuperResult    // This is class B
        public Detail Detail { get; set; }
        public byte[] BigData { get; set; }

        public SuperResult()
            Detail = new Detail();
            BigData = new byte[10000000];

    public class Main
        private int _itemIndex;
        private List _listReal;

        public Main()
            _itemIndex = 0;
            _listReal = new List();

        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

        private void AddOneItem()
            SuperResult super = GetSuperResult();
            RealResult real = new RealResult();
            real.Detail = super.Detail;    // We set reference here.  Normally it should be fine

        private SuperResult GetSuperResult()
            SuperResult result = new SuperResult();
            result.Detail.Super = result;        // This one sets Detail point to Super, so Super won't get released
            result.Detail.Name = "Item" + _itemIndex;
            return result;

Then I used dotMemory again to verify the behavior of this test project.  After I clicked button and added one item, the memory jumped up 10M and was never released, even after I explicitly forced GC to collect.

The fix is pretty easy.  First, try not to use the Super property of the Detail class.  EF provides this for convenience, but I don't see it's so necessary.  So if you remove result.Detail.Super = result, the Super will be released even the Detail is still held by RealResult.

If you have to use that, then when you assign super.Detail to real.Detail, don't assign the reference, just clone the class and copy the values.  This also disconnect Super and RealResult, so Super could be released.

After I fixed this part, a big chunk of memory was released.  The application could handle 120 data files and no memory exception was thrown.


Since Entity Framework makes the parent-children classes reference each other by default, which is convenient sometimes, but it's also dangerous if it is abused.  So only use the parent property when it's needed.

Assigning a reference is simple and natural, but sometimes it's better to clone and copy data values.  It may mean more code, but this will cut the tie between the calling and called modules.  When the application becomes more complex and involves multiple modules tangling together, deep copy and clone make the application decoupled more than assigning a reference.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

A difference between Table and List in SSRS

In our project, we needed to create SQL Server Reporting Service reports for users to view tabular data and graphs. We decided using Report Builder 3.0 to build the report templates.

On 2008 when I worked on another project, we had a requirement to support reports. At that time, I wrote an article to compare Crystal Reports, Report Designer in Visual Studio, and Report Designer in SQL Server. I used Report Designer in Visual Studio in that project.

The Report Builder tool is effective and fun, but sometimes it's annoying, so occasionally I would rather directly open the rdl file to modify the XML syntax. 


One of our reports has the following requirement.  First, it should be grouped under Product.  Every product will have a table to show its related information. The table has two different formats depending on the product type. What I did was to drag a table, add a group, and inside the group, add 2 rows. Then I added one tables to each row, and the row visibility would be decided by the product type.

It worked fine and showed the result users want. However, I noticed that the product name always showed in a separate page if the details table for that product crossed over one page. Report Builder has some properties such as KeepTogether which will push the content to a new page if they cannot be showed in one page. This time we did want the details table to be in the same page as the product name even it could not fit into one page. We didn't want a silly empty page only having the product name showed.


First and obviously, we thought it should be a easy task and the properties of the report should do the trick. We tried different properties such as KeepTogether, PageBreak, Group Properties, and changed them for both the parent table and children table, but neither of them worked.

I searched around and couldn't find a good solution or anything which claims this is a known issue. I did get this and this stating sub report has this issue but it seems already fixed at some point.

My final solution is totally out of my expectation.  I just changed the parent tablix from a table to a list and the problem was resolved. Lists give you more freedom to control the layout, and probably have less restriction. In the list, I can easily put 2 tables anywhere and control the visibility of them.

Second Thoughts

I was curious about what is different between a table and a list, and why they have different behaviors. So I created 2 new reports and put a list and a table to them respectively, and I used Beyond Compare to compare them. There was really not much difference. As we know, both table and list are called Tablix in the .rdl XML file. The only significant difference is inside the TablixCell, list puts a Rectangle, whereas table puts a Textbox. So I guess that the behavioral difference of List and Table is caused by the design feature of Rectangle and Textbox. KeepTogether probably is not working on a textbox. In the other hand, Rectangle is a loose layout control, and provides more freedom to end users.